Copyright © T. GhostWolf Davidson.
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...for SandraWe met face to face yesterday for the first time - Nervous, uncertain; yet assured too because of all we shared and discussed online The tentative first hug that in seconds, became HUG that became total relaxation and comfort for us both - Peace. Driving west along the Columbia Clear skies, soft clouds, forests Talking, sharing - You pointing out so many interesting places, my eyes swiveling, hawk-like, taking it all in - Taking in you sitting next to me, comfortable, relaxed, at ease Driving down to the park on the Columbia, Walking through the sand to the beach - Sandals abandoned - The delight of soft sand on bare feet Your hand in mine soft, caring, warm - natural as we walked along the shore - The coolness of the Columbia swirling around my feet as you pointed out the Ospreys wheeling majestically, described the sunrises and sunsets over the river and the walks with your dog in the dawn Sitting on the old pilings, Sometimes talking - Sometimes just being Peace, serenity - Watching the cool breezes blow the cottonwood fluff blow your hair softly Together, watching the Ospreys dance in the sky Our eyes mirroring the delight and awe we both knew Gentle closure, peaceful closure of a chapter of my life As we sat side by side, Hugged, cuddled - held each other - Acceptance. Rejoicing in just being, in enjoying mutual delights - Even more gentle opening of a new chapter full of promise, hope, discovery, delight knowing, finally, that what I bring forward adds to what I can give - adds to what I can receive too. Not all baggage is bad - I never knew that until yesterday. The journey of life continues - And I can never express how much Your stepping through that new door with me means to me - Peace.. serenity... comfort - for us both
© T. GhostWolf Davidson, 12 August, 2008
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