Sands of Time
Once again,
I return to the sea,
to walk crystalline sands
where reality merges subtly
with the dreams of yesteryear...
where restless waves surge and ebb
as does my life
upon the shores of eternity...
Once again,
I wander the shores,
lonely no more,
with the sea my companion;
the soothing salt wind my guide,
leading to a destiny
beyond the cool grey mists
mantling forest and sea...
Once again,
I am alone with my friend, the sea,
walking pine-shaded paths along her shores,
wreathed by silent, swirling mists,
at peace, in a twilight world
of feather-needled pines
and sighing waves...
May 8, 1979
End of Chapter 2
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Last updated:
Saturday, 03-Jan-2015 18:12:51 PST