Wandering alone in the night
through desolate worlds of stinging sand
and howling winds,
seeking, searching for lost dreams...
Stars stare down mocking and cold,
gibbous moon a vast malignant orb laughing
in ebon sky as I grope amongst sand dunes,
feeling my dreams and hopes sift
through my fingers as the sterile sand...
Crying out defiance and rage,
I stumble on, even as the storm thickens
and closes in--vision dims, then fails,
and the shifting, swirling sands enclose me,
just as time enclosed and buried my dreams...
Darkness swallows me even as I scream
my rage to the merciless winds,
and I am cast adrift in limbo...
February 11, 1974
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Saturday, 03-Jan-2015 18:12:13 PST