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This painting, Choctaw, is a unique and special gift created specially for me, from and Copyright © by ShadowRun. Please do not take... |
A Continuing Story
- Seneca's A Continuing Story is a beautifully done and information-rich site; including photographs and sound-clips submitted by American Indians, descriptions and sound-clips of many of the Sacred Animals, historical information about several tribes as well as her own home town, quotations, pow-wow photographs, biograhical info, and much more.
Ayers Online Bookstore - Indians
- This list of books is of particular interest, providing a unique insight into the mindsets of those who discriminate against American Indians - many of the books listed were written several decades ago - and in some cases, during the 1800s or later.
Cheveyo! Spirit Warrior
- Cheveyo's pages provide information, art, prayers provided by American Indians of many tribes, a chat board, and more. Cheveyo is also the RingMeister of the Native American Ring.
Choctaw Nation - My Grandmother's People
- The "unofficial" homepage for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, providing information about the Nation, tribal officers, books, genelogical information, the language, and links to other American Indian sites.
Coyote Thunder
- Coyote Thunder (Jim) is Cherokee and French, and has created a beautifully done website. American Indian paintings and Wolf pictures are presented in his Native and Wolf galleries; and his Links page provides a comprehensive list of Cherokee links and resources. Coyote Thunder is also the ringmeister of the White Buffalo ring for American Indians, and of the Many Feathers ring for all people.
History of the Cherokee - My Grandfather's People
- History, images and maps, genealogy research, books and papers, and related links.
Iron Wing's Children - A Souix Story on Racism
Clem Iron Wing presents a very blunt and brutally honest view of the on-going discrimination and denegration of the American Indian. This will be an uncomfortable site for many, for Clem Iron Wing pulls no punches as he shares very unpleasant truths that most would rather not face. It is said that "Truth Hurts" - keep that in mind as you read.
- Iron Wing also shares powerful truths and teachings on his Story page; "The True Meaning of the Pipe and the Prophesy of the White Buffalo Calf" - there is much to learn here of The People and the ways and Wisdom of The People.
Light of the Spirit
- Wind Walker and Spirit Wings site is moving and powerful; the writings and poetry provide a glimpse into their deeply empathetic and aware souls, and share many insights and perspectives that, as they say, may open your mind...
They also provide the House of Love and Support (Holas), where you can leave prayers and memorials, talk to Holas members, leave messages and respond to the messages of others (there are powerful stories here); and join the Holas webring.
Light of the Spirit is well worth visiting, for the thought-provoking and deep writings that illustrates American Indian perspectives in a way that cannot but touch the soul, for the Holas pages where people share their hearts, and for their American Indian pages and links.
Native American Indian Gateway
- Over 300 pages of resources; maps, stories, art, on-line schools, recipes, and herbal knowledge.
Native American Sites
- Links to information on individual Native Nations, organizations, education, media, festivals, music, and more.
- Pooter is a very deep, warm, and beautiful lady; half Navajo and half Scottish. Her tribute to her American Indian Gran ( Spirit of Pearl...) is moving, and shares much of what it was like (and still is) to be American Indian at the turn of the century. Poot also provides several excellent American Indian links from this page - and many more fascinating pages from her home page as well.
RedHeart's Native American Indian Homepage
- RedHeart's page provides information about the Lumbee tribe, American Indian Chiefs and Leaders, and World History archives. Redheart is also the Ringmeister of The Native American Indian Home Page Ring.
The Bear's Den
- The pages of Chief Tall Bear of the Bear Clan of the Shawnee Nation provide an overview of the Shawnee nation, prefixed by Chief Joseph's speech; pictures of the immediate Bear Clan (his Family); native arts and crafts by Dan Townshend - who teaches the Arts and Ways of the people to the young; and his Writings page - where Chief Tall Bear shares the openly truthful opinions of The People - as well as his own powerful, eye-opening (and in my own opinion - factual) view of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This is well worth reading.
The Chahta Homepage
- "Chahta Hapia Hoke" (We are the Choctaw) - Connie is the Web Mistress of this beautiful web site, which shares Choctaw stories; poignant statements by people of many tribes; totem, Medicine shield, and sacred traditions; and powerful poetry. Connie also provides several important American Indian topics; AIM (American Indian Movement), grave desecration, and the shocking and heart-wrenching account of the murder of Annie Mae Aquash (an Aim member) - which in my opinion is a definite must-read.
The Cherokee People
- Diane Wolfsong's has put together three very powerful vignets; Cherokee Legends; the Teachings of History - a must read; and the White Buffalo.
The First Nations
- If you want raw facts, if you want to know how the American Indians are really being treated by the governments of this hemisphere - if you want to stop looking the other way - go to The First Nations. As stated on the home page: "There are many, many `Native/American Indian/Indian' sites out here in cyberspace...the one you are about to enter is not intended to amuse, be chatty, or dazzle you with cutting-edge html code. What is intended is that you be provided raw data, pertinent data, foundational data as regards the State of Native America. It is not intended that this be a "pleasant" experience as we have many enemies. The site is text intensive and hopes to provide a `window' through which you might glimpse, and participate in, what `is.' It is my hope that you will join us in our fight..."
The Longhouse of Spirit
- TseQuan's beautiful pages bring home the Truth that "We are all related" - showing the parallels between many peoples and many clans... Her pages also provide information about the Me'tis Nation, Scottish and Irish Heritage, and the teachings of the Medicine People and Spirit Guides - and also contain the haunting journal of a white man who witnessed the Trail of Tears on her page, Principle People...
Thunder Rolls
- Chingqueah's site is thought-provoking and and moving look into the American Indian spirit, providing Tribal issues and resources, American Indian and Environment links, links to e-mail congressional members, government documents (are you aware the U.S.A. government has never kept any treaties with American Indians?) - there is much to see and explore here - be sure to read "Consider This" as well as "My Thoughts"; there is wisdom here, much wisdom...
Walk in Kindness - The Passage of Soul through Technology
- Rose Morningstar's on-line book tells the story of her Childhood and the discrimination she and her grandparents experienced - and of the incredible wisdom and forsight of her grandparents... and goes on to share an incredible spiritual in two seemingly disparate worlds - that of Nature, and that of technology - sharing insights revealing the two worlds are not so disparate at all...