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This page of links is dedicated to the unseen and unsung heroes around us - people who give of themselves to help others; people who put their lives on the line to help others.
This is my small way of saying Thank you to the social worker and the police officers who rescued me and my siblings from my mother and stepfather.
Please visit each site - and if they have a guest book - sign it and let them know you've visited and appreciate what they have done.
If you know of such a person - or persons - who are not listed here, and believe they should be, please email their URL to me if they have one; or if not, email me enough information that I can verify what they have done for others and then at least note them here on this page.
Thank You.
Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.)
The term "Bikers" evokes graphic - and negative - images for most of us; and BACA uses that perception to the advantage of abused children. BACA members become involved only when officials -and the parents of the children - request their help; and phenomenal help it is. Quoted from their website:
Bikers Against Child Abuse is the brainchild of J.P. Lilly, a licensed psychotherapist who works mostly with children in Utah County. Lilly also owns a Harley. ``I thought we had to do something to help these kids,'' Lilly said. ``I got the idea of letting these kids know they had some pretty big, bad friends . . . so they could tell the truth and not be afraid.''
BACA members are carefully screened, and conscientiously work with local officials and police - This is not only a website well worth visiting, but is also a group worth supporting.
COPS Online
- This is a website for and by police officers around the entire world that provides a thorough look into what it is like to be an officer. The site has links for online chat, cop site of the week, visits to various police departments around the world, links to Officer's personal pages, bizzare stories, other police links, and much more.
Ken Murphy's Law Enforcement Page
- Ken has devoted his life to law enforcement, starting at age 16; and his site shows his committment to what is a very demanding avocation... His site is not all seriousness and business though; check out his family and other links - and be sure to check out his "Murphy's Law of Law Enforcement" - it's delightful!
Tears of a Cop
Most of us take cops for granted, viewing them as someone to avoid, or "not being there when you need one", or as a stoic and strong resource that can be called on when things go wrong... however, as stated on this incredible site: "Did you know that research indicates 1/3 of active-duty officers suffer from post traumatic stress, and many don't even realize it?"
The mission of Tears of a Cop is "To promote awareness on the epidemic of Law Enforcement PTSD and Suicide" - and it achieves that mission very well... and achieves far more; TOAC also provides signs and symptoms of PTSD, support for survivors of officer suicides, news and research articles, support and education resources, powerful poems and writings, letters from widows and others, and links to other PTSD, suicide, and stress resources.
- Please visit this site and read all the pages... and remember what you've read next time you speak to an officer or call for their help...
Veteran's Ring of Honor
- How many of us ever stop to think about the ultimate sacrifice some of our fellow beings have made to ensure our freedom? How many of us take the time and effort to do something to show our gratitude? If you are a veteran, or you know a veteran, this site gives you one way...
In the author's words: "The Veterans Ring of Honor is a "one of a kind" distinctively designed United States Armed Forces commemorative signet ring dedicated to those veterans who have paid the ultimate price while serving their country. The "Great Seal" is featured on every ring to exemplify the unity among all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Only certified veterans and Armed Forces members can qualify to purchase.
In addition to abusing the memories of our fallen comrades, the intended purpose of the Veterans Ring of Honor is to bring recognition to the veterans and Armed Forces members of our great land, encourage esprit de corps, and to provide Veteran's and Armed Forces Organizations and Associations with an additional source of funding to accelerate their chartered activities."