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These are links to pages created by my friends and acquantences; all of whom I met on the net via postings in various newsgroups, on IRC channels, and via the World Wide Web.
Some of my friends are also abuse survivors; links to their pages are located on Resources/Homepages.
The Abyss
- This is the hompage of Ted, who is an excellent poet and happens to like coffee, fishing the swamps of South Carolina, and riding his 995 Honda ACE 1100cc twin (check out the pics!) - like he says, "not a Harley...but it'll make you look twice...for 1/3 of the price."
A Lady in Tennessee
- Linda, the webmeister of A Lady in Tennessee, is a speech therapist in the public schools, and her site has a link to the Carter's Valley Elementary School where she teaches. Linda is also a single mother of three sons, each of whom have their own web pages linked from her site; and, she is also a survivor of colon cancer. Her love of her sons and Life fills her pages.
Beverly's Homepage
- Beverly's pages are a wealth of information, perspectives, and resources for all survivors, not just the LGBT community; her outspoken stance against discrimination and LGBT-phobia is refreshing and insightful. On top of all this, her pages are also an excellent example of web-crafting; a definite must-see and read.
Becky's Wildlife and Fantasy Art
- Becky's artwork is phenomal, beautiful and very worth seeing - natural creatures, fantasy creatures, web design services, and more. Plus - her artwork is for sale as full paintings and as smaller prints - and she does pet portraits on commission.
Blonde Ambition Pages
- Shauna (nickname Cat) has put together a fascinating page, and includes an overview of Memphis (where she currently lives) - and also includes an excellent overview of Wicca that includes a thorough overview of "What the Bible says about Wicca / Witchcraft". Also check out her "Musically Speaking" link.
Drag'n'Lady's Lair
- Drag'n'Lady is a delightfully humble and soft-spoken Lady from New Zealand who claims to be "not very good at doing all that fancy HTML" - but her pages belie her words - this is a site well worth visiting; the graphics are excellent, the pages about New Zealand, Dragons, Clip-art, her family are beautifully done, the Helpful Hints section really is.
- DreamWolf, aka Inweave, is the webmeister of several webpages, among which are DreamWolf's Gallery, which contains his impressions of Austria, Ireland, and Vienna as well as artists and music; and Inweave's Homepage, which contains more impressions, graphic and art links, plus links to Amiga sites, artists, software and more.
The Enchantress
- The Enchantress is a powerful and moving poet, an artist, and webmeister of The Land of Enchantment. This is a very well-designed site with more than just her poetry and art. The Enchantress includes a babyfood cookbook, Internet Publishing Q & A's - and the heart-wrenching and ultimately triumphant journal Angel Baby, located on her Enchanted Thoughts page.
Carrie Johnson
- A very dear friend and fellow Christian who lives in the great white north of Minnesnowta, loves classical guitar, and has a wicked sense of humor!
Cyndi Norman, Originator of the Immune Mailing List
- I met Cyndi while seeking information about various immune disorders; her mailing list and knowledge of net resources was very helpful to me in locating help that I needed for my ex-wife. Cyndi's site is an excellent resource for immune problems.
Joey's World
- Joey is a new friend I met on IRC who is incredibly creative and artistic. His site is a visual delight, well-organized, and very well done - a definite must see! BTW, Joey is 15 years old, and has been coding HTML for only six months... I fully expect he will be teaching HTML and page design very soon as well as running a very successful web layout business!
Jeff's Home Page
- Jeff is a good friend, software engineer, and former NEO-phyte who I met and worked with at Sun. He - and his fellow engineers in the NEO group - were the exception to the rule that programmers cannot write good documentation. He's married (recently!) to Elizabeth; it's her pages that have their wedding photos 8*)
Kai Petzke, Programmer, Physicist, and Web Designer
- I met Kai on the net a few years back; even though I'm a technical writer, I still like programming, particularly graphics-oriented programming. Kai's pages are an excellent example physics applied to programming and graphics.
Kat's Eclectic Korner
- Kat has created a beautiful and peaceful virtual home on the web; complete with a Garden, Patio, Gazebo, Livingroom, Music Room, Craftroom, Kitchen, and Library. The artwork and backgrounds are soft and gentle, the mood and tone soothing... each room is complete with appropriate tales and articles; "Small Cats Tales" in the Garden, for example. Kat's Home is well worth the visit!.
Kennita's Web Page
- Kennita is a good friend and fellow worker at Sun; and is (in her words) "a cryonicist, Libertarian, Extropian, and generally atypical individual." Grinning, in other words, a true individualist who thinks for herself - and this is demonstrated by the links on her web pages to an economist, a social scientist, a cryonicist, a nanotechnologist, and an astronomer/programmer.
Kintagarr's Beware of the Werewolves
- Kintagarr (her preferred were-wolven name) is a very good artist, and has created some werewolf drawings that are definitely worth seeing; Her snarling animated werewolf on her home page is excellent! If your tastes run to the gothic (or more), she also has links to other werewolf sites.
Lady Leigh's Fantasy World
- Faeries, angels, goddesses, the Enchanted Forest, unicorns, pegasus, wolves, bunyips, kappa, kraken, mermaids, nerieds, nixies, roane, sea horses, water sprites, the Enchanted Castle, gargoyles, wizards, knights, and dragons... Lady Leigh's Fantasy has all of these and much much more.
Lady Shel's More Than Words
- Lady Shel's site is much more than words alone - it is a very well done site with a lot of material to explore: poetry, music, humor, clip art and animated gifs, cyber-kitties, and much more. Shel is a definite cat person; be sure to check out her "Paw Pad" page.
Lady Socrates Homepage
- Lady Socrates site is very thought-provoking: as implied by her name, she is a thinker. In her pages, Lady Socrates presents intriguing perspectives on several topics, for example, "Is right just a matter of opinion"; a thorough list of online literature including classical, medical, philosophical, and reference texts; philosophical humor (good stuff!); and graphics links.
Loco LilWolf's Home Page
- I met LilWolf a few years back on IRC one night, and found in her a kindred spirit that loves wolves and wolvish canines, poetry, real mountains - and iquanas! Her pages are well worth looking at - but look out for her wicked sense of humor 8*)
Maggie's World
- Maggie, like myself, is a fan of a haunting fantasy series called "Cry for Dawn", and she has an incredible number of links to other Cry for Dawn sites. Maggie also has links to other fantasy sites, such as Anne Rice's Vampires, the X-files, Dragon Riders of Pern, and more.
Plus - she likes and owns ferretts, which makes her pretty cool in my book! Check her site out - it's a fascinating place to visit.
mapleleaf's treehouse
- A very good friend and fellow IRC addict - and cat person - who lives too far away up in Canada. Not only does she have adorable pictures of her cat on her site, but she also has written an excellent IRC primer which she makes available from her page.
Pony's Stall
- Pony is my Brother; my Brother of soul, heart, and mind whom I Love dearly and deeply... not my genetic brother, but my Brother none-the-less... we met years ago at work when I lived in New Jersey, and quickly went from talking computers to talking life... to sharing life, music, sick-puppy humor (grin, he knows what I'm talking about!), fishing together (I still have the smoker, Pony; it's just waiting for you to visit California and go fishing with me and Mou!), and so much more... (*puff,* Pony?)
We're on opposite coasts now; but that has not and never will decrease the Love that Pony and I have... Visit his pages... you'll see why he is my Brother...
Shadow's Getaway
- Shadow and her husband Doc have put together a delightful site encompassing their entire family - the love and care she's put into her children's pages (Taylor and Dalton) is very evident. While there, check out Doc's Trucker's links!
- ShadowRun's pages are western-style; country-style - but are a lot more, one heck of a lot more. My very first impression was "Pale Rider", "The Man with No Name"; there is a haunting depth to the pages that reminds me very much of the very deep and intelligent loner played by Eastwood... the poetry, artwork, sense of humor all bespeak of a man who has seen and experienced a lot, who is not content just to live day by day.
Shaina's Winged Heart
- Sometimes one encounters a person who is young - physically - yet who asks questions and ponders concepts far beyond what most people would consider even in their twilight years... Shaina is one such person - her poetry and essays question the meaning of life and the very fabric of the universe...
...and reveal the soul of an incredibly empathetic and deep human being...
Sparrow's Guide to the Third Planet
- Sparrow's opening scenes remind me of an inverse Hitch-hiker's Guide to Galaxy - this is a delightful site written in the style of a Tourist Guide for Aliens, providing highlights (via articles and links) to major newspapers, religions, flora and fauna, sealife, and much more. Definitely a must-see!
Starwind's Home Page
- A fellow IRC addict who enjoys giving me a hard time about how good OS/2 is and how bad Win95 is - and who is also a very good friend who has helped me through quite a few struggles. BTW; she has an excellent list of OS/2 sites on her page.
Teal, a delightful lady, photographer, friend - and duck enthusiast
- I met Teal on the net around 1993, and quickly learned she is an excellent photographer/artist - and; if there is anything she doesn't know about ducks, then no one knows
TideRider, Chili Chef par Excellence
- This is my friend TideRider's page. We met on the net around 4 years ago and becames friends fast. He travelled quite some distance back in 1994 to help me move the ex-wife out. That is a friend
Web Drifter's Designs
- This is the home page of Rick, one of my Wolf Brothers of The Brotherhood of the Wolf. Rick is an astounding and excellent artist; his website, Web Drifter's Designs, not only provides beautfiul examples of his Craftmanship on his Art, Banners, and Buttons pages; his pages themselves are a further example of his expertise. He also provides links to many other graphics sources on the web, as well as links for greeting cards, search engines, midi files, and hardware. Rick even provides a Classifieds page where you can post items for sale and see what others have to sell. Here's two examples of his artwork (select either banner to go to his page):
Wild Rose
- Wild Rose is the webmeister of Wild Rose's Hopelessly Romantic Homepage, a beautifully done and indeed romantic site to visit. Poetry, art, music, flowers, electronic cards of all descriptions - everything is here except perhaps the candlelight... and I suspect she has that too, as I'm still exploring all the links - there are quite a few!
Williamsholler - Where Love Lives
- If you've ever wondered about "net romances" - wonder no more. Judith and Tom Williams are both accomplished poets and artists who met on the net - and then face to face - and have joined to create a truly beautiful and romantic site. Poetry, art, music; all flowing together in a wondrous whole that is indescribable.
Be sure to visit their other pages: Music of Tom Williams III; The Dreamsharer Poetry; and My Heartsounds: Of Things Beloved.
- I found Wolff's link via the Ring of the Wolf, started reading, looked at his very good Wolf page, and then spent the next half hour giggling, laughing, and shaking my head in delight as I read about what it's like to raise Malamutes.
Not only are his Malamute stories good - but his entire site is excellent; the backgrounds, graphics, and music combine to create a fascinating and wonderful impact.
World of Lady Wolf
- Lady Wolf's description of her site says it best: "My site is all about nature. I have included information about endangered species and what we, as part of this wonderful planet, can do. You will find wolves (of course, hence the name), wild cats, such as cougars; dolphins and whales, grizzly bears, forests and other very important information about the environment ... I have also included information about Native Americans. Because of a very strong connection with nature and the beliefs of the Native Americans, I felt it was very important to include some links to really informative and wonderful sites."