Copyright © T. GhostWolf Davidson.
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Post-rescue Photographs
Peggy in her Easter Outfit
- Peggy had always wanted an Easter outfit... and Mom and Pop took her to the store and let her pick one out...
Peggy, me, and Pop on his rig
- Another one of Peggy's - and my - dreams was to see the big rig that Pop drove. Even though it was against company policy, he took us to see the rig, and the company officials melted when they saw us, and gave us a grand tour after we'd explored Pop's rig. Oh yes, that is a mohawk haircut - I wanted one - and Mom and Pop let me do it.
Peggy on the rocks at the Ocean
- Peggy and I loved the ocean, particularly when there were rocks we could climb and tidepools we could explore. This is one of my favorite pictures of Peggy... look at her smile...