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T_UJ��`hReviewed training materials for accuracy, completeness, and consistency with the product documentation. Ue��`DPerformed quality assurance testing as part of the writing process. V|UF��`Tools W|UF��YFrameMaker, WebWorks Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, Visio, and Paint Shop Pro on Windows 2000 fUD��`gSenior Technical Writer and Chief Toolsmith,�  Persistence Software, San Mateo, CA (12/99 to 4/01) MUB�� iDocumented command-line tools and XML-based configuration files for the PowerTier application server for U@��@'Java 2 Enterprise (J2EE) applications. XU>��`^Designed and maintained document templates for both FrameMaker and WebWorks mappings to HTML. Y��`mPerformed technical, developmental, and copy edits for other writers, and supervised the production process. ZU:��`Tools [U:��WFrameMaker, WebWorks Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, Visio, and Paint Shop Pro on Windows NT jU8��`gSenior Technical Writer, � Sterling Software (originally Synon, Inc.), Larkspur, CA(1/96 to 11/99) U6��(Wrote online help= � and � reference materialF for pattern libraries of reusable business objects Ifor COOL:Plex U4��@T(originally Obsydian), a Windows-based client/server application development tool. ^U2��`iDesigned sample models and build simple applications as examples of using various class library objects. _"U0��`Tools `"U0��WFrameMaker, RoboHELP, RoboHTML, Adobe Acrobat, Visio, and Paint Shop Pro on Windows NT :5U.��`eContract Technical Writer, � AirTouch Communications, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA(� 6/95 to 12/95) mDU,��`uDesigned and wrote end-user guides for � UNIX� -based client-server software for cellular telephone networks. aRU*�� pParticipated in graphical user interface design and tested the software on Sun SPARCstations using Solaris with _U(��@ OpenLook. bnU&��`Tools cnU&��UFrameMaker, Quadralay WebWorks Lite on MacOS; xv, SnapShot, and ImageTool on Solaris ?U$��`(Personal Sabbatical� (7/93 to 6/95) @j��`QSenior Technical Writer, � RATIONAL� , Santa Clara, CA(� 3/92 to 7/93) >U �� lDesigned page layouts, built new templates, and wrote style guidelines for manuals for � UNIX� -based U��@'objectoriented � CASE�  tools. dU��`\Converted � Ada Reference Manual�  to FrameMaker hypertext format for online viewing. eꪌ��`]Reviewed menu structure and dialog box design for X11/Motif-based graphical user interface. fU��`Tools gU��9FrameMaker and FrameViewer for SunOS and X-Windows/Motif CU��`]Technical Publications Manager, � Natural Language Inc., Berkeley, CA(� 7/90 to 1/92) FU�� bRedesigned multi-volume documentation set; wrote and produced new manuals for Natural Language, a  U��@7plainEnglish interface to UNIX relational databases. hU�� pParticipated in user interface design for the Intelligent Connector, an interactive tool for developing Natural %U��@Language applications. i3U �� iCreated documentation plans and maintained aggressive schedules for two major releases, coordinating the @U ��@work of four other writers. jOU��`Tools kOU��)FrameMaker for SunOS and X-Windows/Motif tbU��`xSenior Technical Writer/Project Lead, � Interactive Development Environments, San Francisco, CA(� 1/90 to 6/90) qU��`XWrote and edited manuals for � UNIX� -based object-oriented � CASE�  tools. lU�� bAs project lead, created and maintained project plan and schedule for Ada Development Environment ŒU���@documentation. mšT��`?Proposed and implemented reorganization of documentation set. n©T��`Tools So©T��#FrameMaker for SunOS and X-Windows -Q����;+�����-Q��[��������1����Ww���l< Martha J. Kolman-Davidson � (page  # ) -Q����;-��-��-Q����00����l��� H9UVˆ�� ��;.�����H9UVˆ�� ��������3����W��e H9UVˆ�� ��;0�5+��H9UVˆ�� ��22����l��� H$ˆ�� ��;1�����H$ˆ�� [��������5����W��e H$ˆ�� ��;3��3��H$ˆ�� ��44����l��� -6��¾����;4�����-6��¾��¯�2���2����7����H ���h$3Martha J. Kolman-Davidson UTUT��� 236 West Portal #143 0UR����San Francisco, CA94127 ����(415) 648-4232 "+��� editrix@nemasys.com�  ���H-www.nemasys.com/editrix/portfolio�  _���h� Summary UTpUJ��� qSenior technical writer and editor with over 20 years of experience, initially as a software engineer, then as a 0}UH����mtechnical publications manager. Areas of expertise include document set architecture and FrameMaker template ����rdesign; editing documents from other writers for precision, completeness, and consistency; and describing complex ���@Isoftware from the perspective of both new users and seasoned developers. ]���h$&� #Technical Background UTUB���`Operating Environments UB���=Windows NT, 2000; UNIX (SunOS/Motif, Solaris/OpenLook, QNX); U@���HMacOS7.x9.x 5U>���`Publishing Software 6U>���PFrameMaker, WebWorks Professional, Adobe Acrobat, RoboHELP, RoboHTML, Microsoft U<���HlWord, PowerPoint, DreamWeaver, FrontPage, PageMill0; Perforce, ClearCase, Visual SourceSafe, Canterbury =U:���`Graphics Software  U:���GPaint Shop Pro, Visio Professional, FullShot; xv, SnapShot, ImageTool "U8���`Programming Languages %U8���C, XML, Java, Pascal4 ,U6���`Areas of Technology: #)U4���`8Data modeling and mapping for semantic interoperability e7U2���`EJ2EE application servers for Enterprise JavaBeans and Web components K���`JObject-oriented software development tools for client-server applications 9��`CNatural language processing as a front end to relational databases '���`Text processing and typography (���`Text-to-speech and telephony $���`"Structured programming and design *���h7� 'Accomplishments 3UTU&���`As a Senior Technical Writer: +U$��� pDesigned, wrote, and indexed user guides, reference manuals, tutorials, quick reference guides, and online help U"��@for a variety of technologies. <U ���`PDesigned and built sample applications to illustrate concepts being documented. d���`cDesigned and implemented single-sourcing strategy, using conditional text and shared source files. 8���`ICreated context-sensitive help systems using both WinHelp and HTML help. 1���`KConsistently met projected deadlines, often ahead of the development team. -��`;Performed peer edits and served as mentor for new writers. /U���`%As a Technical Publications Manager: 0)U���`:Managed documentation projects with teams of 35 writers. A7U���`aHired writers, including two interns; edited documents; and coordinated the publication process. !���`GWrote documentation plans and maintained aggressive project schedules. 2���`kDesigned FrameMaker templates, wrote style guides, and converted documentation sets to use new templates. 4fU ��`As a Software Engineer: &uU ��`VDesigned and coded custom applications, using messaging for inter-task communication. EƒU���`ZWrote system design documents specifying both the user interface and the functional flow. B���`7Installed systems and trained users at customer sites. .��� hDesigned user interfaces for a variety of environments, including character-based terminals, voice, and P¬U��@Xwindows GUI applications. -6��¾����;6�����-6��¾���866 ����l���-6��¾����;�.����-6��¾��7p// ����l���}$b����Zq��A��$b��"�D�W ��eX:Heading only -Q����W�@C���-Q����;; ����l��� -Q����W�@����-Q��[��������:����W����` ��d������z��������>> �������� HH��ˆ����{�<����HH��ˆ��4��������>����UT��msvTop� w ��mpqTopt ��maeToph #|&��-gXProofread French and German translations of the � SuperWriter�  documentation for technical ��Maccuracy.� [ y��mAOInstalled systems and trained users at customer sites.R ]��m$n, and sample applicationso \��m @,C q&��m@Jand API calls to Windows, ODBC, and AS/400 functions K a��m;Top< `��m8Top9 ^&��m,5, 8080 and 8086 assembly language6 [��m+1, Ventura Publisher, WordPerfect2 Y��m.; CP/M/ T��m()Top+ J��mSummary NlUH��mTechnical Background PzUF��mAccomplishments Q��mExperience R��mEducation  S��m-!Professional Development$� % S���e HH��ˆ����}�<����HH��ˆ�����==����l�����d��������������pp����������d������<��������C: ��������}��bH��Zs�9B����bH"�DW ��e See Also }��b6��Zu�AD����b6"�DW  ��eN -6��¾����| �@�:��-6��¾����rr ����l���}2��b-��Zw�BE��2��b-"�DW  ��eN }_��b?��Zy�D��_��b?"�DW  ��e }$������Z{�OG��$���� �E�W ��e C:sm caps }����H��Z}�FH������H �EW ��eEM }����6��Z�GI������6 �EW ��eN }2����-��Z�HJ��2����- �EW ��eN }_����?��Z�I���_����? �EW ��e }$������Z�TL��$���� �F�W ��eC:page number }����H��Z�KM������H �FW ��eEM }����6��Z�LN������6 �FW ��eN }2����-��Z�MO��2����- �FW ��eN }_����?��Z�NF��_����? �FW ��e }$|������Z�YQ��$|���� �G�W ��eC:date }��|��H��Z�PR����|��H �GW ��eEM }��|��6��Z�QS����|��6 �GW ��eN }2��|��-��Z�RT��2��|��- �GW ��eN }_��|��?��Z�SK��_��|��? �GW  ��e }$l������Z�^V��$l���� �H�W! ��eC:Bullet (dingbat) }��l��H��Z�UW����l��H �HW" ��eEM }��l��6��Z�VX����l��6 �HW$ ��eN }2��l��-��Z�WY��2��l��- �HW% ��eN }_��l��?��Z�XP��_��l��? �HW& ��e }$\������Z�c[��$\���� �I�W( ��eP:Name }��\��H��Z�Z\����\��H �IW) ��eH* }��\��6��Z�[]����\��6 �IW* ��eN }2��\��-��Z�\^��2��\��- �IW+ ��eN }_��\��?��Z�]U��_��\��? �IW, ��e }$L������Z�h`��$L���� �J�W- ��eP:HeadingTools }��L��H��Z�_a����L��H �JW. ��eP }��L��6��Z�`b����L��6 �JW/ ��eN }2��L��-��Z�ac��2��L��- �JW0 ��eN }_��L��?��Z�bZ��_��L��? �JW1 ��e }$<������Z�e��$<���� �K�W2 ��e P:Address }��<��H��Z�df����<��H �KW3 ��eP }��<��6��Z�eg����<��6 �KW4 ��eN }2��<��-��Z�fh��2��<��- �KW5 ��eN }_��<��?��Z�g_��_��<��? �KW6 ��e ����d����Z��������kk ������� $$������Z�i����$$����@������k����$$������Z�i����$$����&�jj����l���}$l��\� !m��$l �L�W7 ��e5 }��u��\� ln����u �LW8# ��eName }��H��\� m�����H �LW9 ��e -6��¾�����?����-6��¾��=�*���*����p����IUTUT��`qTechnical Publications Manager, � Evans & Sutherland Computer Division, Mountain View, CA(� 4/88 to 1/90) UR�� iCreated and managed a three-person technical publications department, which produced an eight-volume set UP��@Bof � UNIX� /Mach documentation for the ES-1 supercomputer. pUN�� kDeveloped detailed documentation plans and schedules, hired writers, edited documents, and coordinated the UL��@publication process. qLUJ��`[Designed standard page layout using FrameMaker on a Sun workstation and wrote style guide. r[UH��`Tools s[UH��#FrameMaker for SunOS and X-Windows LnUF��`zTechnical Publications Lead/Software Engineer, � Computer Aided Systems, Inc., Point Richmond, CA(� 2/86 to 4/88) }UD�� iDesigned and documented custom software for a large material-handling application written in C under the UB��@QNX operating system. tU@��`^Supervised three-person technical documentation team and trained a technical writing intern. u��`jWrote design documents specifying both the user interface and the functional flow for each system module. vU<��`Tools wU<��yWordPerfect and Ventura Publisher for MS-DOS, running as a subprocess under QNX (real-time � PC�  � UNIX� ) OU:��`QSoftware Engineer, � Speech Plus, Inc., Mountain View, CA(� 6/84 to 1/86) U8��`eDesigned and wrote custom text-to-speech and telephony applications, including the user interfaces. xU6��`qDesigned, edited, and supervised the production of the � CallText 5100 Users Guide�  and Reference Card. zU4��hL� Tools {U4��OSuperWriter word processing software; QNX development environment for C coding U2��`NSoftware Engineer, � Sorcim Corporation, San Jose, CA(� 12/82 to 4/84) UU0�� hDesigned and implemented enhancements to the spelling checker module of the SuperWriter word processor, #U.��@Nand coded a compression scheme for help text for the SuperCalc3 spreadsheet. }2U,��hU� Tools ~2U,��BPascal; 8080 and Z-80 assembly language, for both CP/M and MS-DOS VEU*��`$Graduate School� (9/80 to 9/82) W��`NSoftware Engineer, � Quadex Corporation, Cambridge, MA(� 4/79 to 9/80) 'gU&��`aDesigned and implemented hyphenation algorithms for typesetting in French, German, and Spanish. ��`Tools �vU$��TQPL, a proprietary C-like high-level assembly language on � PDP� -11 machines Z��h^� -Education \UTU"��`#Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA ;U ��`>Bachelor of Arts� , � Mathematics and Philosophy (1978) _U��`Yale University, New Haven, CT XU�� EMaster of Arts, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures U��@$Northwest Semitic Philology (1982) ��h(k� rProfessional Development UTU��`OFrameMaker to Acrobat Advanced Techniques (Microtype and Caxton, Inc., 2/01) U��`8Online Help Development Workshop (Knopf Online, 4/98) SU2��`HDesigning High-Quality User Interfaces(UC Berkeley Extension, 10/90) +U8��`AManaging Documentation Projects(Comtech Services, Inc., 3/89) C��hu -6��¾�����?����-6��¾��8�oo ����l��� -6��¾����|�@����-6��¾�� ��������C����Wl ��d ��d����������Left�d������� ��Right�d��������� Reference�d������� ���First��d�����HTML���d�����HTML���d��� � ��Headings���d��� ��HTML���d��� $��HTML�d�����.�������d��� i��HTML�d��������<��HIDDEN�d������@��First�d����� �?�������������@��@��������������������� ���������������;������������Mapping Table Title������. ������@��@��������������������� ���������������;������������Body������. ������@��@��������������������� ���������������;�����������Mapping Table Cell������. ������@��@��������������������� ���������������;�������������Mapping Table Title������. ������@��@��������������������� ���������������;�����������D�����ˆ�����Footer������. 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